Department ID, respectively to the list above:
Total Salary: 691400
Avg Salary: 6461.68
Name and Salary of All Employees
Adam | Fripp | 8200 |
Alana | Walsh | 3100 |
Alberto | Errazuriz | 12000 |
Alexander | Hunold | 9000 |
Alexander | Khoo | 3100 |
Alexis | Bull | 4100 |
Allan | McEwen | 9000 |
Alyssa | Hutton | 8800 |
Amit | Banda | 6200 |
Anthony | Cabrio | 3000 |
Britney | Everett | 3900 |
Bruce | Ernst | 6000 |
Charles | Johnson | 6200 |
Christopher | Olsen | 8000 |
Clara | Vishney | 10500 |
Curtis | Davies | 3100 |
Daniel | Faviet | 9000 |
Danielle | Greene | 9500 |
David | Austin | 4800 |
David | Bernstein | 9500 |
David | Lee | 6800 |
Den | Raphaely | 11000 |
Diana | Lorentz | 4200 |
Donald | OConnell | 2600 |
Douglas | Grant | 2600 |
Eleni | Zlotkey | 10500 |
Elizabeth | Bates | 7300 |
Ellen | Abel | 11000 |
Gerald | Cambrault | 11000 |
Girard | Geoni | 2800 |
Guy | Himuro | 2600 |
Harrison | Bloom | 10000 |
Hazel | Philtanker | 2200 |
Hermann | Baer | 10000 |
Irene | Mikkilineni | 2700 |
Ismael | Sciarra | 7700 |
Jack | Livingston | 8400 |
James | Landry | 2400 |
James | Marlow | 2500 |
Janette | King | 10000 |
Jason | Mallin | 3300 |
Jean | Fleaur | 3100 |
Jennifer | Dilly | 3600 |
Jennifer | Whalen | 4400 |
John | Chen | 8200 |
John | Seo | 2700 |
John | Russell | 14000 |
Jonathon | Taylor | 8600 |
Jose Manuel | Urman | 7800 |
Joshua | Patel | 2500 |
Julia | Nayer | 3200 |
Julia | Dellinger | 3400 |
Karen | Colmenares | 2500 |
Karen | Partners | 13500 |
Kelly | Chung | 3800 |
Kevin | Mourgos | 5800 |
Kevin | Feeney | 3000 |
Ki | Gee | 2400 |
Kimberely | Grant | 7000 |
Laura | Bissot | 3300 |
Lex | De Haan | 17000 |
Lindsey | Smith | 8000 |
Lisa | Ozer | 11500 |
Louise | Doran | 7500 |
Luis | Popp | 6900 |
Martha | Sullivan | 2500 |
Mattea | Marvins | 7200 |
Matthew | Weiss | 8000 |
Michael | Rogers | 2900 |
Michael | Hartstein | 13000 |
Mozhe | Atkinson | 2800 |
Nancy | Greenberg | 12000 |
Nandita | Sarchand | 4200 |
Nanette | Cambrault | 7500 |
Neena | Kochhar | 17000 |
Oliver | Tuvault | 7000 |
Pat | Fay | 6000 |
Patrick | Sully | 9500 |
Payam | Kaufling | 7900 |
Peter | Vargas | 2500 |
Peter | Tucker | 10000 |
Peter | Hall | 9000 |
Randall | Matos | 2600 |
Randall | Perkins | 2500 |
Renske | Ladwig | 3600 |
Samuel | McCain | 3200 |
Sarah | Bell | 4000 |
Sarath | Sewall | 7000 |
Shanta | Vollman | 6500 |
Shelley | Higgins | 12000 |
Shelli | Baida | 2900 |
Sigal | Tobias | 2800 |
Stephen | Stiles | 3200 |
Steven | King | 24000 |
Steven | Markle | 2200 |
Sundar | Ande | 6400 |
Sundita | Kumar | 6100 |
Susan | Mavris | 6500 |
Tayler | Fox | 9600 |
Timothy | Gates | 2900 |
TJ | Olson | 2100 |
Trenna | Rajs | 3500 |
Valli | Pataballa | 4800 |
Vance | Jones | 2800 |
William | Smith | 7400 |
William | Gietz | 8300 |
Winston | Taylor | 3200 |
All employees who are from United States and Work in IT -- FROM HR DB
Ellen | Abel | IT | United States of America |
Sundar | Ande | IT | United States of America |
Mozhe | Atkinson | IT | United States of America |
David | Austin | IT | United States of America |
Hermann | Baer | IT | United States of America |
Shelli | Baida | IT | United States of America |
Amit | Banda | IT | United States of America |
Elizabeth | Bates | IT | United States of America |
Sarah | Bell | IT | United States of America |
David | Bernstein | IT | United States of America |
Laura | Bissot | IT | United States of America |
Harrison | Bloom | IT | United States of America |
Alexis | Bull | IT | United States of America |
Anthony | Cabrio | IT | United States of America |
Gerald | Cambrault | IT | United States of America |
Nanette | Cambrault | IT | United States of America |
John | Chen | IT | United States of America |
Kelly | Chung | IT | United States of America |
Karen | Colmenares | IT | United States of America |
Curtis | Davies | IT | United States of America |
Lex | De Haan | IT | United States of America |
Julia | Dellinger | IT | United States of America |
Jennifer | Dilly | IT | United States of America |
Louise | Doran | IT | United States of America |
Bruce | Ernst | IT | United States of America |
Alberto | Errazuriz | IT | United States of America |
Britney | Everett | IT | United States of America |
Daniel | Faviet | IT | United States of America |
Pat | Fay | IT | United States of America |
Kevin | Feeney | IT | United States of America |
Jean | Fleaur | IT | United States of America |
Tayler | Fox | IT | United States of America |
Adam | Fripp | IT | United States of America |
Timothy | Gates | IT | United States of America |
Ki | Gee | IT | United States of America |
Girard | Geoni | IT | United States of America |
William | Gietz | IT | United States of America |
Douglas | Grant | IT | United States of America |
Kimberely | Grant | IT | United States of America |
Nancy | Greenberg | IT | United States of America |
Danielle | Greene | IT | United States of America |
Peter | Hall | IT | United States of America |
Michael | Hartstein | IT | United States of America |
Shelley | Higgins | IT | United States of America |
Guy | Himuro | IT | United States of America |
Alexander | Hunold | IT | United States of America |
Alyssa | Hutton | IT | United States of America |
Charles | Johnson | IT | United States of America |
Vance | Jones | IT | United States of America |
Payam | Kaufling | IT | United States of America |
Alexander | Khoo | IT | United States of America |
Janette | King | IT | United States of America |
Steven | King | IT | United States of America |
Neena | Kochhar | IT | United States of America |
Sundita | Kumar | IT | United States of America |
Renske | Ladwig | IT | United States of America |
James | Landry | IT | United States of America |
David | Lee | IT | United States of America |
Jack | Livingston | IT | United States of America |
Diana | Lorentz | IT | United States of America |
Jason | Mallin | IT | United States of America |
Steven | Markle | IT | United States of America |
James | Marlow | IT | United States of America |
Mattea | Marvins | IT | United States of America |
Randall | Matos | IT | United States of America |
Susan | Mavris | IT | United States of America |
Samuel | McCain | IT | United States of America |
Allan | McEwen | IT | United States of America |
Irene | Mikkilineni | IT | United States of America |
Kevin | Mourgos | IT | United States of America |
Julia | Nayer | IT | United States of America |
Donald | OConnell | IT | United States of America |
Christopher | Olsen | IT | United States of America |
TJ | Olson | IT | United States of America |
Lisa | Ozer | IT | United States of America |
Karen | Partners | IT | United States of America |
Valli | Pataballa | IT | United States of America |
Joshua | Patel | IT | United States of America |
Randall | Perkins | IT | United States of America |
Hazel | Philtanker | IT | United States of America |
Luis | Popp | IT | United States of America |
Trenna | Rajs | IT | United States of America |
Den | Raphaely | IT | United States of America |
Michael | Rogers | IT | United States of America |
John | Russell | IT | United States of America |
Nandita | Sarchand | IT | United States of America |
Ismael | Sciarra | IT | United States of America |
John | Seo | IT | United States of America |
Sarath | Sewall | IT | United States of America |
Lindsey | Smith | IT | United States of America |
William | Smith | IT | United States of America |
Stephen | Stiles | IT | United States of America |
Martha | Sullivan | IT | United States of America |
Patrick | Sully | IT | United States of America |
Jonathon | Taylor | IT | United States of America |
Winston | Taylor | IT | United States of America |
Sigal | Tobias | IT | United States of America |
Peter | Tucker | IT | United States of America |
Oliver | Tuvault | IT | United States of America |
Jose Manuel | Urman | IT | United States of America |
Peter | Vargas | IT | United States of America |
Clara | Vishney | IT | United States of America |
Shanta | Vollman | IT | United States of America |
Alana | Walsh | IT | United States of America |
Matthew | Weiss | IT | United States of America |
Jennifer | Whalen | IT | United States of America |
Eleni | Zlotkey | IT | United States of America |
All Departments with Avg Salary of 10,000 or more
Accounting | 10150 |
Executive | 19333 |
Public Relations | 10000 |
All Employees and their manager
Search for first names:
Neena | Kochhar | Steven | King |
Lex | De Haan | Steven | King |
Alexander | Hunold | Lex | De Haan |
Bruce | Ernst | Alexander | Hunold |
David | Austin | Alexander | Hunold |
Valli | Pataballa | Alexander | Hunold |
Diana | Lorentz | Alexander | Hunold |
Nancy | Greenberg | Neena | Kochhar |
Daniel | Faviet | Nancy | Greenberg |
John | Chen | Nancy | Greenberg |
Ismael | Sciarra | Nancy | Greenberg |
Jose Manuel | Urman | Nancy | Greenberg |
Luis | Popp | Nancy | Greenberg |
Den | Raphaely | Steven | King |
Alexander | Khoo | Den | Raphaely |
Shelli | Baida | Den | Raphaely |
Sigal | Tobias | Den | Raphaely |
Guy | Himuro | Den | Raphaely |
Karen | Colmenares | Den | Raphaely |
Matthew | Weiss | Steven | King |
Adam | Fripp | Steven | King |
Payam | Kaufling | Steven | King |
Shanta | Vollman | Steven | King |
Kevin | Mourgos | Steven | King |
Julia | Nayer | Matthew | Weiss |
Irene | Mikkilineni | Matthew | Weiss |
James | Landry | Matthew | Weiss |
Steven | Markle | Matthew | Weiss |
Laura | Bissot | Adam | Fripp |
Mozhe | Atkinson | Adam | Fripp |
James | Marlow | Adam | Fripp |
TJ | Olson | Adam | Fripp |
Jason | Mallin | Payam | Kaufling |
Michael | Rogers | Payam | Kaufling |
Ki | Gee | Payam | Kaufling |
Hazel | Philtanker | Payam | Kaufling |
Renske | Ladwig | Shanta | Vollman |
Stephen | Stiles | Shanta | Vollman |
John | Seo | Shanta | Vollman |
Joshua | Patel | Shanta | Vollman |
Trenna | Rajs | Kevin | Mourgos |
Curtis | Davies | Kevin | Mourgos |
Randall | Matos | Kevin | Mourgos |
Peter | Vargas | Kevin | Mourgos |
John | Russell | Steven | King |
Karen | Partners | Steven | King |
Alberto | Errazuriz | Steven | King |
Gerald | Cambrault | Steven | King |
Eleni | Zlotkey | Steven | King |
Peter | Tucker | John | Russell |
David | Bernstein | John | Russell |
Peter | Hall | John | Russell |
Christopher | Olsen | John | Russell |
Nanette | Cambrault | John | Russell |
Oliver | Tuvault | John | Russell |
Janette | King | Karen | Partners |
Patrick | Sully | Karen | Partners |
Allan | McEwen | Karen | Partners |
Lindsey | Smith | Karen | Partners |
Louise | Doran | Karen | Partners |
Sarath | Sewall | Karen | Partners |
Clara | Vishney | Alberto | Errazuriz |
Danielle | Greene | Alberto | Errazuriz |
Mattea | Marvins | Alberto | Errazuriz |
David | Lee | Alberto | Errazuriz |
Sundar | Ande | Alberto | Errazuriz |
Amit | Banda | Alberto | Errazuriz |
Lisa | Ozer | Gerald | Cambrault |
Harrison | Bloom | Gerald | Cambrault |
Tayler | Fox | Gerald | Cambrault |
William | Smith | Gerald | Cambrault |
Elizabeth | Bates | Gerald | Cambrault |
Sundita | Kumar | Gerald | Cambrault |
Ellen | Abel | Eleni | Zlotkey |
Alyssa | Hutton | Eleni | Zlotkey |
Jonathon | Taylor | Eleni | Zlotkey |
Jack | Livingston | Eleni | Zlotkey |
Kimberely | Grant | Eleni | Zlotkey |
Charles | Johnson | Eleni | Zlotkey |
Winston | Taylor | Matthew | Weiss |
Jean | Fleaur | Matthew | Weiss |
Martha | Sullivan | Matthew | Weiss |
Girard | Geoni | Matthew | Weiss |
Nandita | Sarchand | Adam | Fripp |
Alexis | Bull | Adam | Fripp |
Julia | Dellinger | Adam | Fripp |
Anthony | Cabrio | Adam | Fripp |
Kelly | Chung | Payam | Kaufling |
Jennifer | Dilly | Payam | Kaufling |
Timothy | Gates | Payam | Kaufling |
Randall | Perkins | Payam | Kaufling |
Sarah | Bell | Shanta | Vollman |
Britney | Everett | Shanta | Vollman |
Samuel | McCain | Shanta | Vollman |
Vance | Jones | Shanta | Vollman |
Alana | Walsh | Kevin | Mourgos |
Kevin | Feeney | Kevin | Mourgos |
Donald | OConnell | Kevin | Mourgos |
Douglas | Grant | Kevin | Mourgos |
Jennifer | Whalen | Neena | Kochhar |
Michael | Hartstein | Steven | King |
Pat | Fay | Michael | Hartstein |
Susan | Mavris | Neena | Kochhar |
Hermann | Baer | Neena | Kochhar |
Shelley | Higgins | Neena | Kochhar |
William | Gietz | Shelley | Higgins |